E is for en plein air & my first solo art show

Note: On January 19th, I wrote a blog post about the things that I would put on my bucket list, if I were to have one. I included such things as having a solo art show in a public place, walking the Appalachian Trail, learning ballroom dance, and walking the Camino de Santiago in France and Spain. These are dreams of mine.

Today, I have managed to realize one of those dreams. With the help of my friend, Gretchen Beach, I have been able to install an art show at the Grand Island Memorial Library. My paintings will hang at the library for the rest of April. 

There are approximately 20 paintings on display at the library. They are a varied bunch. Images that are exhibited there include teddy bears, sunflowers, fruit, and teapot. In addition, there is one painting of the Niagara River, which was done on location. Terry Klaaren, a professional artist who lives in Florida, came to the Grand Island Historical Society to teach a painting class. Hence, I can use the term “en plein air” in the title of this blog. En plein air means painting outside.

The media used include watercolor, acrylics, charcoal, soft pastels, and mixed media. 

I couldn’t be happier. I am ready to do a happy dance.

Now… about hiking the Appalachian Trail and the Inca Trail… and that bullet train ride…

Question for you: What have you done lately that you never expected to do? Please share your story in the comments section.

6 thoughts on “E is for en plein air & my first solo art show”

  1. Congratulations! I'm one of those who enjoys art exhibits in libraries. I hope you get a lot of – uh, exposure.

  2. Congratulations Alice. Thank you for bringing 'en plein air' into my vocabulary. It has a ring to it…I like.
    I happened to dance with a local folk group in Dubbrovnik last week to Croatian beats and music. Loved it!

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