Today’s prompt for the Ultimate Blogging Challenge has to do with autumn. What am I doing that is unique to the season? I guess that I could say that I am celebrating it by starting a month of pen and ink. It’s not the easiest medium for me, so be prepared for some impressive disasters. Or at least all sorts of smudges. I just recently discovered that the month is called Inktober, and that it’s an actual challenge. There are prompts for the month. Yesterday, I saw a few Inktober drawings. I’ll start tomorrow with the prompts. Today, I am doodling and attempting to get pen and ink to be my friends. One of the suggestions for drawing with this medium is not to start with a pencil sketch but to draw in ink. When you draw in ink, it is much harder to fix mistakes because ink is much more permanent than pencil. I chose to draw with ink because why not go for it with as much enthusiasm as possible? It is said that we learn from our mistakes. I just hope that’s true!

I guess that I will have some smudges along the way to mastering that itty bitty ink well. I was annoyed by the smudges in this picture, which is why I set it aside. Nevertheless, I decided to finish it, smudges and all. But life is messy like that. So look for more smudgy pictures as I get adjusted to the new medium. I’m going to try to follow the prompts list that I found online so who knows how I will interpret a prompt. Check back in a few days to see what happens! You never know!
Hi Alice that sounds like fun.
There must be a technique to use the smudges as part of the art. Have you seen chalk artists smudge the chalk lines to blend the colours and create a gradient in the colour.
Blog on, it doesn’t smudge. 😉
The smudging was definitely an accident with the ink! With chalk or charcoal, smudges are preferred and I even have tools to encourage the smudging to happen. I think that I’m going to try using a paintbrush, as opposed to that challenging pen with my next attempt at ink art!!!
Have a great day and blog on, Doug!
I love it, smudges and all. I love to doodle but so far I have always started with a pencil. I think I will try this for the month. I keep a doodle journal, as I try to doodle part of my daily life. I need to fine out more about the prompts and Inkober. I will be watching for your posts to see how you work your smudges into your finished doodles.
Your Inktober posts (and the ones you have been posting before that as well) always awe me!! This one is no different…