
Last year, when I did the 100 days art project, I asked an art teacher if crochet was considered art. She said, yes. So I crocheted a few doilies because I knew that they were quick projects, and I could finish one in a day. This year, shortly after I started the 100 days art project, a friend that I’ve known for many years wrote me a letter and told me that she had been diagnosed with cancer and would need to have surgery. I decided to create a lap sized afghan for her. In the crochet group that I used to belong to, these afghans were called “comfortghans.” You make one for someone who has a devastating illness or a death in the family and send it to that person. When you have a crochet group, everyone in the group donates squares for these comfortghans.

After the group was no more, I pieced together a few, using donated squares. But I managed to use them up. So no more squares. However, I had donated yarn. I went into the community room of the apartment building where I live and I found a bag with yarn. That discovery occurred maybe a week before I received the letter from my friend. Once I got the letter, I looked at that yarn again and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. As it turns out, I had exactly enough in the bag for the project that I wanted to do.

I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. The colors are nice and bright and very Easterish. In fact, I called this the Easter Egg Afghan. Today, I went to the Island Ship Center, and the wonderful Jasmine helped me to package the comfortghan and a card for my friend. She is truly a sweetheart, as is everyone who works at the Island Ship Center, which calls itself the Spa of Shipping!!!

I’m not sure how many days it took me to make this afghan, but I think that I’ve done art every day since the start of the 100 days project, in one way or another.

2 thoughts on “Comfortghan”

  1. My grandmother taught me how to crochet. Way back then they had groups doing the same thing. I would take them to the hospital, as I was a candy striper there.

  2. What a beautiful gift from the heart Alice! I love the colors and I can only imagine the smile on your friend’s face when she opens the package!

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