The bears had almost reached the base of the mountains when they decided to take a rest day. They sang, splashed in a creek, danced and they ate copious amounts of seeds and berries and other fruits.
Baby Bear took a hike to forage for more seeds. He felt very hungry and he was craving some delicious seeds. As he walked near the creek, he saw a large animal.
“Are you a baby?” asked Baby Bear, even though the animal was much bigger than he.
“Yes,” said the animal, who lifted his head from the creek, where he was drinking. “I am a rhinoceros. Have you seen any rhinoceroses before you met me?”
“Oh no,” Baby Bear said.

“Well,” the young rhinoceros said. “We are usually very shy, but you seem friendly so I thought I would greet you. Would you like to ride on my back? I will give you a fun ride if you hold on and keep from falling off.”
“Oh wow, that sounds like fun,” said Baby Bear.
“Hop on and hold on and you’ll get a ride you’ll never forget,” said the rhinoceros, who waited for Baby Bear to hop on his back. Once the bear was aboard, the rhino began running and prancing, making Baby Bear feel very dizzy.
“Oh wow, this is very adventurous,” gasped Baby Bear.
“You’ll get used to it,” said the rhinoceros, who stopped to let Baby Bear hop down. Baby Bear wobbled and then recovered his balance.
Just then, a voice was heard from the distance.
“Come back, Baby Bear! It’s time for our singing circle!”
“I have to go,” Baby Bear said.
“Okay, come back tomorrow,” said the rhinoceros, who walked into the woods and out of Baby Bear’s sight.
Baby Bear sure is having a great adventure and meeting new friends! I’m wondering, do have you the story planned or does it just “come to you” as you go along?
I have not planned this at all! It really is coming to me as I go along. At times, I really feel as if the story is writing itself. Last night, when I saw that my prompt was rhinoceros, I had no idea of how to write it, so I let it percolate during the night. Today, it just happened. And, yes, Baby Bear is having an awesome adventure!
Beautifully written! The reminder that the journey itself holds so much value really resonates with me. It’s a wonderful reflection on embracing every step along the way. #Blogboost
Thank you! The amazing thing about the journey is that you never know what you’re going to find along the way.
Oh my goodness! Riding on a rhino sounds so scary! Then again, I am scared by a lot of things and riding a rhino would help me with my resilience!
Yes, it could be very exciting!!! Let’s hope the rhino comes equipped with a saddle and reins!