It’s day 18 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and of Inktober. Today’s prompt is “drive.”
The bears were finally able to stop for a break at a creek, where they drank water and had a very relaxing night. The next morning, they ate nuts and berries, which they were able to forage, and then, they started walking in the direction of the mountains.

The bears saw a large group of sheep that were being driven to a grazing place by a very determined border collie. As soon as the sheep saw the bears, they ran into a wooded area and hid.
“Oh,” said Baby Bear. “I wanted to play games with the sheep.”
“They are very shy,” said the border collie. “I drive them to their grazing place every day. They get scared by squirrels and hide.”
“Oh, they are silly,” said Baby Bear.
“Well, we could play a game,” said the border collie. “I like to play catch. If you get a stick, just throw it, and I will catch it and carry it back to you.”
And Baby Bear and the border collie had fun playing catch until it was very late and both got hungry. Border collies see well at night so the dog was really happy to continue the game as long as possible.
“Oh, I am so happy to have a playmate,” said the border collie, who lay down after fetching the last stick. He took a nap and seemed very contented.
Baby Bear and the rest of the bears then had a delicious meal of fruits and nuts and seeds. And they slept very well that night, not far from the sleeping border collie.
I’m glad Baby Bear is having so much fun and now finding a new friend is awesome.