This is the first time that I have ever posted from my phone! It’s exciting to try new things! Trinity says so, too. I will post again later!
This is the first time that I have ever posted from my phone! It’s exciting to try new things! Trinity says so, too. I will post again later!
Winter has always been my least favorite season. The combination of cold temperatures, winds, and darkness was never my idea of fun. When you add the lack of color, winter just felt dismal and best when ended. But this year, something happened to change that. And I guess that something was a steady snowfall. It’s
the magic of winter Read More »
on feeling invisible It’s easy to feel invisible in a world that doesn’t always celebrate our differences as human beings. A world that wants everyone to fit a mold that we don’t fit. A world that sees our differences as weaknesses, not as our unique individuality. I remember, when I was in high school, wondering
This painting is all about color mixing. I have a set of three different colored chalk paints, which can be painted in a transparent style or as more of an opague style. The paints that I have are red, yellow, and blue, and I can mix them to get the colors that I need. I
It snowed and was very cold most of the day. Not as cold as yesterday, but still a good day to stay inside. And paint. Now, if there were only something to paint. So, I started drawing random lines and thought that was fun. And slowly, little by little, I added color to the spaces
After I completed the Inktober project in October for the first time, I realized that I really liked drawing with ink. Okay, technically, I’m drawing with a pencil and am inking it in afterwards. But still, that’s considered acceptable, according to the people who run Inktober. Early in October, I had started getting the Inktober
tick tock tick tock goes the clock Read More »
On Sunday, as I was getting ready to watch the National Football League’s divisional game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Buffalo Bills, I was startled when my cell phone suddenly emitted the more terrifying and shrill screech. First I wondered what had attacked the phone. Then I wondered where I put it. Once I
snowstorm!!!! and a bit of stream of consciousness… Read More »
The winner of the caption contest is Jeanine Byers, with her caption “Sweet Reads, Sweet Treats and Art”! Congratulations, Jeanine. Yesterday, I interviewed the winner of the contest, as Jeanine’s prize was that I would post her caption and tell you some interesting facts about Jeanine.So, first of all, this is Jeanine. She has a
Caption contest announcement!!! Read More »
Today’s photography prompt was “where you live.” And where I live is very snowy and cold, and, apparently, there’s a lake effect snow warning. My phone let me know about it, with a horrifying screech. I thought someone was in terrible peril because, usually, the horrifying screech is used to provide information about an Amber
A few months ago… well, when it wasn’t freezing cold and snowy, I bought a few succulents at Leaf, Stone and Steel, this wonderful plant store in my town. It’s a relatively new store that opened last summer. The store features plants and lots of creative stuff, many of which are plant related and will
It’s a baby… succulent! Read More »