Today is day 23 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and of Inktober. The prompt for today is “rust.”

As Baby Bear walked back to the place where the rest of the bears were about to have their feast, he noticed a bucket sitting by the trail. It had a small amount of water in the bottom. The bucket was somewhat rusty, but the water looked good to Baby Bear.
“Oh,” said Baby Bear. “A little foot bath. Just the thing for me.”
Baby Bear climbed into the bucket and immediately became stuck.
“Oh no,” said Baby Bear. “Ooops.”
And he thought that was funny so he said “ooops” louder and louder, with more and more dramatic emphasis, as if he were overacting in a play. Before long, his parents came running. When they saw Baby Bear stuck in a rusty bucket, they started laughing and, before long, were rolling on the ground because they were laughing so hard.
After much laughter, Baby Bear’s parents, each holding onto one of their son’s arms, pulled Baby Bear out of the bucket. And off they went to the Bears’ feast.
Such a relatable post! We’ve all had those ‘whoops’ moments that end up teaching us more than expected. Thanks for sharing your experience with humor and honesty!
You’re welcome! I did have my own whoops moment last week when I was taking a photograph, backed up and missed a step and injured my dignity in the fall!!! (It’s recovered because it was funny!)