never ending snow, part two

The old cliche that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb is certainly proving to be true. Here it is, the 28th of the month, and I woke up to snow covering the ground and the mailboxes and the trees… looking very wooly, white, and lamblike. When I pointed this out to my mom, she said that the cliche wasn’t actually referring to white, wooly snow!
I knew that. I was just being silly…
But spring is coming, even if the thermometer says 34 degrees F (1.11 degrees C). Yesterday, I saw a robin hopping on the porch, and I heard a bunch of birds chirping from the blue spruce tree. The early plants are peeking through the earth… and soon, there will be color to replace all of the grays of winter.
It will be good. I love color. I have been taking a watercolor painting class, and I have learned to paint with all of the colors of the rainbow. I have learned that a painting does not have to look exactly like real life. Colors can be enhanced or altered to make the painting look more vibrant. In art, the search is for truth and beauty… the truth that goes beyond the facts and the beauty of color that lies under the blandness of gray…
I’ll post some of those paintings next time…

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