The trail to the mountains had become rocky, and the rain had begun falling. The rocks were slippery, and Baby Bear fell a few times in his effort to climb over the rocks. Baby Bear looked up at the sky, with its grayness and with the large clouds that threatened to unleash a rainy fury. Food had become scarce. Despite the adverse conditions, the bears slogged on. The adult bears made sure that all of the bears stayed together and that no bear was left behind.
After a few days, the bears reached a creek, where they could wade and from which they could find drinking water. They lay down next to the creek and were soon asleep.
“I will remember our togetherness for a long time,” thought Baby Bear, as he fell asleep near a patch of black eyed susans.

An excerpt from the journal of Bearnacle Bear, written years after the events.
Wow, I love the way your beautiful artwork continues this part of the story! I’m enjoying Bear’s adventures. And I’m so glad you’re writing this book.