Today is day 28 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge and of Inktober. Today’s prompt is jumbo.

The Bears had gathered at the foot of the mountains. They were seated at long tables. On each table was an array of fruits and nuts and seeds and leaves and honey of all different shades. The dark fall honey was Baby Bear’s favorite. It was so warm and delicious and good to eat with the nuts and seeds.
“I am so happy,” said Baby Bear. “When do we start eating?”
“After your ceremony. Let’s go over there now,” said Momma Bear. And the little Bear family went to stand before the rest of the bear community.
“This is our Baby Bear,” said Momma Bear.
“He is not our first Baby Bear, and he won’t be our last Baby Bear,” said Poppa Bear.
“But now, it’s time for him to give up the name Baby Bear. Next year, there will be a new Baby Bear,” said Momma Bear.
“Our Baby Bear has been adventurous and curious,” said Poppa Bear. “He scares us sometimes by wandering off to whatever adventure he wants to take. He climbs into bags and gets carried away. He goes into old structures. He needs to investigate everything. His dreams are huge. We call them jumbo dreams. But most of all, he loves the sea. Ever since he was a tiny cub, we took him to the sea and showed him how big the water is.”
“And he fell in love with the vast expanse of ocean,” said Momma Bear. “He went swimming and he learned how to build canoes.”
“He ferried many of you over a deep lake in a canoe that he built,” said Poppa Bear.
“We believe that he would attach himself to the side of a ship, if necessary, just so he could explore and see the world,” said Momma Bear.
“Just like barnacles. We have no doubt that you would attach yourself to the side of a ship,” said Poppa Bear. “And so, we have chosen the name Bearnacle Bear for you. Do you like the name? Will you live your name and follow your dreams?”
“Oh yes,” said Baby Bear.
“You are now Bearnacle Bear,” said Momma Bear. “We love you, Bearnacle. Even if we don’t call you Baby Bear any more, you will always be our Baby Bear. You are sweet and you are kind, and we love you so much.”
“And this is the time for us to tell you to always be who you are,” said Poppa Bear. “You are the kindest bear we have ever known. And we aren’t saying that just because you’re our son. But because everyone has observed it, and so have we. You are kind to all of the animals that we met along the way. You were kind to the adorable creatures, like the butterflies, but you were also kind to the creatures that we were afraid of. You are also gifted at listening. Most of us don’t have that gift. Remember how good you were to the hornets? We just wanted to avoid them, but you went right to them. You listened to the Queen of the hornets and you gave her gifts. When she told you that she loved you, she meant it. The hornets will protect you at all times. And now, we need to tell you that the rest of the world is not as sweet or as kind as you are. You face dangers when you travel the seas. Just remember who you are and where you came from. Remember our love. Remember the bears. You may forget at times, but that’s all right. We do not expect or want you to be perfect.”
“You are a gift to the world, given by us,” said Momma Bear. “What would you like to say to your bigger Bear family?”
“I am Bearnacle Bear!” said Bearnacle, jumping up and down and squealing.
“That you are,” said Poppa Bear. “Are you ready for the feast?”
“It’s honey time!!! Um. I mean yes.”
And the little Bear family sat down with their bigger Bear family and shared a great feast.
A lovely story of family and love, Alice. You are a gifted storyteller. I love dark honey and nuts.
Thank you so much.
I love how this story unfolded and in the end Bearnacle Bear is the perfect name for Baby Bear! What a great story teller you are Alice!
Thank you so much for continuing to follow Bearnacle Bear’s story!!!