Last night, I went to a continuing education class at Grand Island High School. The title of the class was “Beaded Watch Bracelet.”
Jewelry making is an art form with which I have no experience. I have been interested in learning how to do it for a long time, however. The teacher, Joyce Klima, made the class a good deal of fun. First of all, she had beads of all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. Going through all of that treasure was a treat… and picking out the parts to the watch bracelet… well… it was good…
I chose a silver watch face with a design that made me think of the sun… and I chose blue and green as colors for the bracelet, because they made me think of the sea. And they were glittery and bright, just like the sea with the reflection of the sun in it.
After I finished my sea dream watch, I had plenty of time left over, and Joyce encouraged me to play… so I made a matching necklace and bracelet… a sea dream set… for alice, who misses her walks by the water.