

It snowed and was very cold most of the day. Not as cold as yesterday, but still a good day to stay inside. And paint. Now, if there were only something to paint. So, I started drawing random lines and thought that was fun. And slowly, little by little, I added color to the spaces

randomness… Read More »

tick tock tick tock goes the clock

After I completed the Inktober project in October for the first time, I realized that I really liked drawing with ink. Okay, technically, I’m drawing with a pencil and am inking it in afterwards. But still, that’s considered acceptable, according to the people who run Inktober. Early in October, I had started getting the Inktober

tick tock tick tock goes the clock Read More »

snowstorm!!!! and a bit of stream of consciousness…

On Sunday, as I was getting ready to watch the National Football League’s divisional game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Buffalo Bills, I was startled when my cell phone suddenly emitted the more terrifying and shrill screech. First I wondered what had attacked the phone. Then I wondered where I put it. Once I

snowstorm!!!! and a bit of stream of consciousness… Read More »

Caption contest announcement!!!

 The winner of the caption contest is Jeanine Byers, with her caption “Sweet Reads, Sweet Treats and Art”! Congratulations, Jeanine. Yesterday, I interviewed the winner of the contest, as Jeanine’s prize was that I would post her caption and tell you some interesting facts about Jeanine.So, first of all, this is Jeanine. She has a

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