
my Florida adventure, part two

Today, we went to Tarpon Springs, which is famous for sponges and Greek food and fishing boats. It’s a scenic town and a pleasant place to take a walk with friends, have a nice lunch at a Greek restaurant, and buy souvenirs. There are some really fun things to see, like my new boyfriend, pictured

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It snowed and was very cold most of the day. Not as cold as yesterday, but still a good day to stay inside. And paint. Now, if there were only something to paint. So, I started drawing random lines and thought that was fun. And slowly, little by little, I added color to the spaces

randomness… Read More »

tick tock tick tock goes the clock

After I completed the Inktober project in October for the first time, I realized that I really liked drawing with ink. Okay, technically, I’m drawing with a pencil and am inking it in afterwards. But still, that’s considered acceptable, according to the people who run Inktober. Early in October, I had started getting the Inktober

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inktober 52 begins again

Last October, I made my third effort to do Inktober. Until then, I never finished the month. But this past year, I did finished it for the first time, probably because I paired the drawings with stories about Bearnacle Bear when he was still known as Baby Bear. After Inktober was finished, I realized that

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making friends with books

It’s day three and the prompt is “currently reading.” I added two books to the picture because, under the circumstances, that seemed like the right choice. So, I’m stretching the “currently” a bit. I just finished reading “The Boy Who Ran Away to Sea,” by Barry Gifford. It’s actually a series of short stories, all

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something good at a time that became so sad

The prompt for day two is “something good,” and, since Christmas continues for twelve days, it became that something good. But then… …It became bittersweet. Unfortunately, among people I know, death came to visit not once but five times during the week between Christmas and new year’s eve. It made the whole season hard to

something good at a time that became so sad Read More »

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