On the first of November, I decided to take a walking tour to Beaver Island State Park. Well, actually, my mother suggested it. I had been spending a lot of time at my Big Media Job. I’ve been writing the police blotter for both the Island Dispatch and the Niagara-Wheatfield Tribune, which is always very entertaining. Cops get called for the goofiest things: hit and run drivers vs. mailboxes, drunk guys in parking lots flinging shoes at vehicles, drunk guys pushing cars down the road (if you push the car, you don’t get arrested for drunk driving), huge deer being spotted near the road (and then mysteriously vanishing), stray dogs who are obviously “in love” trotting down the bike path, spackling in the road (which the cop moved, leaving the cop car a mess that couldn’t be cleaned), and more. I also had been busy on the politician beat… interviewing candidates for county legislature, attending and writing about the debate between the county legislature candidates and the town supervisor candidates. So, it had been a busy time, and my mom and I agreed that a good long walk would be the best way for me to relax.
November 1 was a beautiful autumn day, and I headed down the bike path toward Beaver Island State Park. Of course, as always, I had my trusty digital camera with me. I purchased that camera one year ago, and I am glad that I did. I have enjoyed taking pictures where ever I go, as a reminder of my adventures. The photographs tell a story, even without the accompanying words. When I was in prison, I truly missed that camera.
I walked all of the way through Beaver Island State Park, past the beach, the golf course, and the boat launches. I walked past River Lea, the summer home for President Grover Cleveland. That was a good place to take pictures, and they are below.
I am hoping for a few more good days, before the snow flies, when I can go out and take long walks and have some more adventures.
Until next time, here’s Beaver Island State Park.