Autumn flowers

Today’s blog post is a collection of pictures that I’ve taken in the past week or so. It includes late-blooming flowers, bees, spiders, and more. The sources of the photographs include gardens that I continue to work on and gardens that I have visited. The growing season here in Western New York is coming to an end. This is the time of year to plant bulbs and to start putting the gardens to bed. Although the drought this summer seemed to go on and on, almost forever, the colors have been beautiful and it has been a pleasure to take care of gardens. Taking care of the earth is a joyous thing, and I am always grateful for the opportunity.

A bee’s eye view of the world.

This bug has turned the mum into a fashion statement.

Contemplating construction of a new web.

Seen at Town Hall.

Honey bee

0 thoughts on “Autumn flowers”

  1. I like seeing the last of the autumn flowers-the asters, especially, have been beautiful this year, but I am also saddened at seeing nature pulling the curtain down. One last show by the trees, and then, a long, cold goodnight until spring.

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