
It’s day 11 of Inktober, and the day’s prompt is “snack.”

The weather was warm again, and the trail was mostly dry when the bears began walking. Baby Bear danced and jumped for joy as the walk started.

“I want to see more butterflies!” Baby Bear said, gleefully.

“Maybe you will, maybe you won’t,” his momma said. “Let’s walk for a while, and then, I will have a special treat for you.”

The bears all walked along the trail. Robins, red-breasted nuthatches, tufted titmouses (titmice???), white throated sparrows and other small birds flew overhead, chattering the entire time. Baby Bear listened happily, but with little comprehension, to the bird conversations.

“What are the birds talking about, Momma,” Baby Bear asked.

“They are talking about many things, but mostly about their plans to migrate, which will happen soon. They were chattering about pretty scenery.”

“I wish I could migrate like a bird,” Baby Bear said.

“You need to travel like a bear,” said Momma Bear. “Are you ready for your treat?”

“Oh yes,” said Baby Bear, who suddenly realized that the day’s walk was completed and it was time to stop. The bears had arrived in a different land, but they weren’t sure where yet.

The bears sat down and shared chokeberries, which were a treat for them. Just then, one of the bears said, “We will need to be very careful because we are now in the Land of Hornets and Yellow Jackets. They don’t know we are here yet, and we are hoping that, early tomorrow morning, we will be away before they realize that we have stopped in their territory.”

But suddenly, the bears heard a very loud voice coming from nowhere. The bears stopped and…

5 thoughts on “Snacktime”

  1. All the time I try to find or encounter butterflies like baby bear.
    What a disappointment to be in the land of hornets and yellow jackets.

    Wonderful, clever story. I love you drawing.

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