After the storm…

Day nine of Inktober. The prompt is sun.

After a long day of walking through the rain, jumping at the sound of the sharp thunder and diving to the ground at the sight of bolts of lightning, Baby Bear was tired. It was time for dinner, and the pumpkins looked delicious. But Baby Bear couldn’t stay awake. He dozed off, his head hitting the table. He startled briefly at the noise, but he hardly moved.

When Baby Bear opened his eyes, he noticed that the room had changed and the food had changed. He saw a human server pouring grog into the wine glasses, which seemed odd because he knew that grog doesn’t belong in wine glasses. He pushed himself away from the table and he stood up and went outside. He noticed that the sky was blacker than it would be if there were a store, and he also observed that the sun was big and bright in the nighttime sky.

Baby Bear stood outside, watching the sun, but not watching the sun. He remembered being told repeatedly not to avoid the sun. But still, he watched, and he was unbothered by the sun’s rays. Baby Bear. In the background, Baby Bear could hear a wolf howling and he could hear the song of the woodpecker. He looked up and he saw a turkey vulture staring directly at a few humans, walking on the trail, seemingly lost.

Baby Bear stared at the sight. He woke up again and he saw the vulture swooping and screaming and, soon, Baby Bear felt his voice join the bird’s screams…

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