The face of the moon glows in the darkening sky above the tall trees Over the entire earth One moon, which everyone shares. |
Higher and higher moon rises like a beacon of lovely bright light to guide sailors and travelers to the place where they belong |
Great big puffy clouds like whipped cream atop blue cake served after a meal of Seuss’ green eggs and ham Will you eat it, Sam I Am? |
Blue and gray and white So fluffy are the dark clouds during the bright day a promise of lovely rain to soften the dry, cracked earth. |
Thoughtful captures. Enjoyed the poems. I think I would enjoy haiku writing more (more restrictive, and that appeals to me) but I enjoyed the line about the one moon we all share. If only humanity realized that.
A few years ago, I wrote a book, using a pen name, about healing with the phases of the moon. Suddenly, I'm re-imagining it with chapters that start with your lovely poetry. 🙂
And your pictures are just beautiful! I've tried several times to capture the magnetic beauty of what I see through my window, but it just doesn't work.
Our moon and our sky, beautifully shown and described in poetry.