The moon and the sky

Yesterday and today, I took some pictures of the sky and of the moon, which will be full today. The sky looks different every day. When I was a kid, I liked lying on my back on the ground and watching the movement of the clouds. It was very relaxing. Here are some images of the sky and the moon, with a few “tanka” poems. A tanka is basically a longer version of a haiku. Its five lines are: five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables, seven syllables, and seven syllables.

The face of the moon
glows in the darkening sky
above the tall trees
Over the entire earth
One moon, which everyone shares.

Higher and higher
moon rises like a beacon
of lovely bright light
to guide sailors and travelers
to the place where they belong
Great big puffy clouds
like whipped cream atop blue cake
served after a meal
of Seuss’ green eggs and ham
Will you eat it, Sam I Am?

Blue and gray and white
So fluffy are the dark clouds
during the bright day
a promise of lovely rain
to soften the dry, cracked earth.

3 thoughts on “The moon and the sky”

  1. Thoughtful captures. Enjoyed the poems. I think I would enjoy haiku writing more (more restrictive, and that appeals to me) but I enjoyed the line about the one moon we all share. If only humanity realized that.

  2. A few years ago, I wrote a book, using a pen name, about healing with the phases of the moon. Suddenly, I'm re-imagining it with chapters that start with your lovely poetry. 🙂

    And your pictures are just beautiful! I've tried several times to capture the magnetic beauty of what I see through my window, but it just doesn't work.

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